French Country Basket


The French Country Basket beauty and style is married with the strength and durability of solid rattan frames giving these extraordinary pieces not only an accent for any room but also functionality for multiple uses.

Dimensions: 22"Dia x 17"H

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The French Country Basket beauty and style is married with the strength and durability of solid rattan frames giving these extraordinary pieces not only an accent for any room but also functionality for multiple uses.

Dimensions: 22"Dia x 17"H

The French Country Basket beauty and style is married with the strength and durability of solid rattan frames giving these extraordinary pieces not only an accent for any room but also functionality for multiple uses.

Dimensions: 22"Dia x 17"H

Art Porcelain Vase "Ron Arad" for studio line Rosenthal, Germany 1985
Perforated tray n the style of Mathieu Matégot, France 1950s
Unique Bowl, Pale Blue Glazed Earthenware, Sweden 1960s
Italian Jewelry Box, 1970s
Painted Ebony Stoneware